Error 404

Página no encontrada

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Se ha producido un error al procesar la plantilla.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> revista_number  [in template "10136#10174#116245964" at line 72, column 33]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: ${revista_number}  [in template "10136#10174#116245964" at line 72, column 31]
1<div class="container"> 
2    <#if entries?has_content> 
3        <#list entries?chunk(3) as row> 
4            <div class="row border-left"> 
5                <#list row as curEntry> 
6                    <#assign viewURL = assetPublisherHelper.getAssetViewURL(renderRequest, renderResponse, curEntry.getAssetRenderer(), curEntry, !stringUtil.equals(assetLinkBehavior, "showFullContent")) /> 
7                    <#assign viewURL = viewURL?replace("?"+viewURL?split("?")[1], "")> 
8                    <#assign journalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
9                    <#assign article = journalArticleLocalService.fetchLatestArticle(curEntry.getClassPK()) /> 
10                    <#assign aArticleXML = /> 
11                    <#assign title = article.getTitle(locale) /> 
12                    <#assign tituloDestacado = aArticleXML.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='tituloDestacado']/dynamic-content") /> 
13                    <#assign autores = aArticleXML.selectNodes("//dynamic-element[@name='autor']/dynamic-content") /> 
14                    <#assign imagenArticulo = aArticleXML.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='imagen']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
15                    <#assign detalle = aArticleXML.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='detalle']/dynamic-content") /> 
17                    <#assign assetCategoryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService")/> 
18                    <#assign assetVocabularyLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetVocabularyLocalService") /> 
19                    <#assign categoriesList = assetCategoryLocalService.getCategories("com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle", article.getResourcePrimKey())/> 
20                    <#assign vocabularyTemaName = "Tema" /> 
21                    <#assign vocabularyNRevistaName = "Nº de revista" /> 
22                    <#assign vocabularyTopicName = "Topic" /> 
23                    <#assign avoidTopic = "PRINCIPAL" /> 
25					<#-- Featured Image of the Article --> 
26					<#assign featuredImage = article.getArticleImageURL(themeDisplay)!""/> 
28                    <div class="col-md border-right"> 
29                        <article class="article article-small"> 
30                            <figure class="media"> 
31                                <picture> 
32                                    <#-- show featuredImage if set. --> 
33									<#if featuredImage?has_content> 
34										<img src="${featuredImage}" /> 
35                                    <#else> 
36                                        <#if imagenArticulo?? && imagenArticulo?has_content> 
37                                            <#attempt> 
38                                                <#assign jsonObject = imagenArticulo?eval/> 
39                                                <#assign entryUuid = jsonObject.uuid />     
40                                                <#assign entryGroupId = getterUtil.getLong(jsonObject.groupId) /> 
41                                                <#assign entryAlt = jsonObject.alt /> 
42                                                <#assign dlFileEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.service.DLFileEntryLocalService") /> 
43                                                <#assign assetEntryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetEntryLocalService")> 
44                                                <#assign dlFileEntry = dlFileEntryLocalService.getDLFileEntryByUuidAndGroupId(entryUuid, entryGroupId) /> 
45                                                <#assign assetEntry = assetEntryLocalService.getEntry("com.liferay.document.library.kernel.model.DLFileEntry", dlFileEntry.fileEntryId) /> 
46                                                <#assign assetRenderer = assetEntry.assetRenderer /> 
47                                                <#assign imagen = assetRenderer.getURLDownload(themeDisplay) /> 
48                                                <img alt="${entryAlt}" data-fileentryid="${dlFileEntry.fileEntryId}" src="${imagen}" /> 
49                                            <#recover> 
50                                            </#attempt> 
51                                        </#if>   
52                                    </#if>  
53                                </picture> 
54                            </figure> 
56      		<#if categoriesList?has_content> 
57                <#list categoriesList as category> 
58                    <#assign categoryVocabulary = assetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(category.getVocabularyId()) /> 
59                    <#if categoryVocabulary.getName() == vocabularyNRevistaName> 
60                        <#assign revista_number = category.getTitle(locale)/> 
61                    </#if> 
62                </#list> 
63            </#if> 
64            <p class="kicker"> 
65                <#if categoriesList?has_content> 
66                    <#list categoriesList as category> 
67                        <#assign categoryVocabulary = assetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(category.getVocabularyId()) /> 
68                        <#if categoryVocabulary.getName() == vocabularyTemaName> 
69                            <a title="${category.getTitle(locale)}">${category.getTitle(locale)}</a> 
70                        </#if> 
71                    </#list> 
72                    <a title="${revista_number}">${revista_number}</a> 
73                    <#list categoriesList as category> 
74                        <#assign categoryVocabulary = assetVocabularyLocalService.getAssetVocabulary(category.getVocabularyId()) /> 
75                        <#if categoryVocabulary.getName() == vocabularyTopicName && category.getTitle(locale) != avoidTopic> 
76                            <a title="${category.getTitle(locale)}">${category.getTitle(locale)}</a> 
77                        </#if> 
78                    </#list> 
79                </#if> 
80            </p> 
82                            <h2 class="title title-standard"> 
83                                <a href="${viewURL}" title="${title}">${title}</a> 
84                            </h2> 
86                            <p class="meta"> 
87                                <#assign fecha = dateUtil.getDate(article.getDisplayDate(), "d 'de' MMMM 'de' yyyy", locale)  /> 
88                                <#if fecha?has_content> 
89                                    <span>${fecha}</span> 
90                                </#if>     
92                                <#assign tiempo = "" /> 
93                                <#if detalle?has_content> 
94                                    <#assign content = detalle?trim /> 
95                                    <#if content != ""> 
96                                        <#assign contentCount = content?replace("<[^>]+>", "", "r")?word_list?size /> 
97                                        <#if contentCount gt 0> 
98                                            <#assign minutesValue = (contentCount/200)?round /> 
99                                            <#if minutesValue == 0> 
100                                                <#assign tiempo = "Unos segundos" /> 
101                                            <#elseif minutesValue == 1> 
102                                                <#assign tiempo = minutesValue + " minuto" /> 
103                                            <#else> 
104                                                <#assign tiempo = minutesValue + " minutos" /> 
105                                            </#if> 
106                                        </#if> 
107                                    </#if> 
108                                </#if>                             
109                                <#if tiempo?? && tiempo != ""> 
110                                    <span><i class="fa fa-regular fa-clock"></i> ${tiempo}</span> 
111                                </#if> 
112                            </p> 
114                            <p class="author"> 
115                                <#if autores?has_content> 
116                                    <#list autores as autor> 
117                                        <#assign aArticleXMLAutores = /> 
118                                        <#assign autorJournalArticle = aArticleXMLAutores.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='autor']/dynamic-content") /> 
119                                        <#attempt> 
120                                            <#assign jsonObject = autorJournalArticle?eval/> 
121                                            <#assign articleClassPK = jsonObject.classPK />     
122                                            <#assign articleGroupId = getterUtil.getLong(jsonObject.groupId) /> 
123                                            <#assign articleAutor = journalArticleLocalService.fetchLatestArticle(articleClassPK?number)> 
124                                            <#assign aArticleXMLAutor = /> 
125                                            <#assign nombre = aArticleXMLAutor.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='nombre']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
126                                            <#assign apellidos = aArticleXMLAutor.valueOf("//dynamic-element[@name='apellidos']/dynamic-content/text()") /> 
127                                            <a title="${nombre} ${apellidos}">${nombre} ${apellidos}</a> 
128                                        <#recover> 
129                                        </#attempt> 
130                                    </#list>                                
131                                </#if> 
132                            </p> 
133                        </article> 
134                    </div> 
135                </#list> 
136            </div> 
137        </#list> 
138    </#if> 
142    @media (max-width: 769px){ 
143	.col-md.border-right { 
144    border-right: none !important; 
146@media (max-width: 769px){ 
147	.row.border-left { 
148	    border-left: none !important; 
